The Census of 1870 lists Moses Blumenthal as a resident of Chicago. In the household are Anna (Dubinski) and three children. There are two older daughters and my grandfather Abraham. All were born in Poland. Other information we have indicates that Moses may have come to America with two brothers Nathan (high probability) and Max.
The 1900 Census shows Moses and Anna in Chicago, but with two additional boys, one born in Canada and the other in Detroit. The Marwil family has strong roots in Detroit as well as Texas. There is a theory that the Blumenthal and Marwilinsky clans knew each other from Poland and were perhaps related. Also in the 1900 Census is Belle Levy — the grand daughter of Moses and Anna to one of the daughters listed in 1870. (Note: Rebeca, the oldest child, has been identified. More to follow in another post.)
In the 1870 Census Moses listed his occupation as “Huckster,” i.e. one who sells items from a wagon. He is listed in a Chicago directory of businesses that shows he had a storage shed and survived the Chicago Fire. In 1900 his occupation was “Capitalist.” The Haymarket Riot probably made it a lot more patriotic to be a capitalist than huckster.
Help me find the remaining descendants of Moses and Anna shown as Level 2. Also, any help in moving up the tree and connecting Nathan and Max would also be appreciated.