I like Raspberry Pi. Right now I’m not talking about the Linzer Torte variety, but the single, credit card sized computer running a version of Linux.
Why Pi?
My interest was piqued by an article in the American Radio Relay League’s QST— the magazine for amateur radio enthusiasts. I’ve been suffering from poor hearing for several years now, so my ability to copy Morse Code is severely impaired. Our location in downtown Chicago and no place to erect an antenna limits what I can do with a radio. As a result I’m pretty much limited by either operating portable in a park or using a number of digital technologies that are only possible with computer control.
Raspberry Pi is a Real Computer
This credit card sized computer is the brainchild of The Raspberry Pi Organization in the United Kingdom. It runs the Linux operating system, which means plenty of options and programming resources are available.

Notice 4 USB ports, Ethernet, HDMI, and interface options. I won’t bore you with the details but only say this is one “fun” device for a technology hobbyist like myself. I’m looking forward to learning about the Raspberry Pi this Winter.